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To serve beyond the terms of contract
Orientation Sessions
This unique service by InterManagement may go unnoticed by others, but our valued patrons graciously acknowledge it. ' 'Culture Shock' can be a negative influence on the individual performance. Prior and proper briefing has always alleviated any impact of sudden change in a trans-frontier employment.InterManagement conducts this session for EVERY selected candidate prior to his departure for his work station, e.g. Saudi Arabia being the abode of Islamic faith, all non-Muslim candidates are meticulously acquainted with the principal faith, the local laws, the customs and the proper code of conduct, strict adherence to these is forcefully stressed
Once a candidate has agreed to accept the international assignment, many things that impact their daily lives change. This uncertainty causes concern for the employee and their family. Each step along the way to the new work location can create confusion and fear, keeping the employee from settling into the new work environment and quickly becoming a positive contributor in the new location. A thorough orientation process can help minimize the disruption associated with the move.
One of the keys to successfully communicating what is going to happen during an assignment is to provide the assignee with the information they need at a time when they will need it – just in time. The information also needs to be provided in a format that is easily understood and readily available for reference during the move.To meet these goals, it usually means that the orientation process will consist of more than one meeting with more than one person during the relocation process. Care will be exercised as the employee can quickly become overloaded with information.
Many areas of an assignee’s life will be impacted as the result of an international assignment. Several of these areas will require education of the transferee and their family, which is usually provided as a part of the assignment orientation process. Issues typically addressed include:
- Cultural issues
- Compensation changes
- Relocation benefits
The meeting will review differences in cost of living, how housing will be supported in the host location, and provisions for children’s education and other compensation related benefits. The meeting should also include a summary of how and when this support will be delivered. The assignee may have additional questions after the meeting for the program administrator.
In addition to reviewing the steps needed to move household goods, the relocation meeting may cover information regarding the host location housing and schooling options. Depending upon the assistance a company provides with home country housing issues, the management of rental of a principal residence may be covered.
All of these meetings are a critical part of the assignment process and often the spouse is included in the meetings as well. The meetings help manage the assignee’s expectations and lay the foundation for a successful assignment.
Our cultural orientation programs enable the employees and their families to successfully transition from one culture to another by enabling them to understand the concept of culture; analyze and identify the key characteristics of their own national culture; recognize cultural differences as they affect life issues; understand the dimensions of national differences; understand differences in organizational cultures; recognize the motivation and qualities that make for a successful expatriate experience; understand and be able to respond to culture shock; develop strategies for successful intercultural communication; understand and be able to respond to re-entry shock; and acquire country-specific knowledge.
InterManagement has a dual purpose:-
i) an aware employee is a happy employee, who performs better.
ii) the employer has the right to demand good performance from his recruiting agent.
Government approved licensed Recruiting agency in India and Nepal